Supply of uniform and miscellaneous items for Pakistan Contingents
Pakistan Sports Board invites sealed tenders from the reputed firms registered with Income Tax, Sale Tax Departments for supply of uniform and miscellaneous items for participation of Pakistan Contingents in the 22nd Commonwealth Games to be held in Birmingham (UK) from 28thJuly to 08th August 2022 and 5th Islamic Solidarity Games to be held in Konya (Turkey) from 09thto 18th August, 2022 for Pakistan Contingents comprising240 to 280 persons.
2. Experienced and well reputed firms/agencies/companies may come-up for purchase of tender documents on submission of a written application on their letter head pad.The application should be accompanied with a non-refundable fee of Rs.2,000/- in the shape of bank draft/pay order/demand draft drawn in favour of Pakistan Sports Board, Islamabad latest by 18th May, 2022 at 1100 hours. The technical proposals will be opened on the same day at 1130 hours in the presence of bidders/representatives in the Committee Room of PSB, Sports Complex, Sri Nagar Highway, Near Aabpara, Islamabad.
3. The Director General reserves the right to accept or reject any or all tenders/proposals in accordance with the PPRA Rules.
(Arshad Mahmood)
Assistant Director (Training)
Ph: 051-9249044