Provision and Installation of Equipment / Machinery for Bio Mechanical Lab at Pakistan Sports Complex, Islamabad
1. Pakistan Sports Complex, Islamabad is the only largest sports infrastructure of the country spread over 145 acres area of land, meets international standards of most of the games. It is equipped with all necessary facilities. The PSB is going to establish a world class Bio Mechanical Lab at PSC, Islamabad. Therefore, the applications are invited on quality cum cost based selection (QCBS) from well reputed / experienced consultants / firms having registration as Consultant with PEC with upto date renewal for carrying out project “Provision and Installation of Equipment / Machinery for Bio Mechanical Lab at Pakistan Sports Complex, Islamabad”. The RFP can be purchased from the undersigned office on the payment of fee Rs.2,000/- (in shape of bank draft/pay order) in the favour of Director General, Pakistan Sports Board on any working day during office hours till 27-09-2021. Interested parties are required to furnish their applications alongwith following information:-
2. The competent authority reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the bids as per PPRA Rules 33.
(M. ARSLAN ADIL CH.) Executive Engineer Pakistan Sports Board, Kashmir Highway, Aabpara, Islamabad. Phone: 051-9249027 Fax:051-9249007