PSB invites proposal from reputable firm/company who have vast experience to run Canteen
Kashmir Highway, Near Aabara, Islamabad
1. Sealed bids are invited through single stage two envelops procedures as per PPRA Rule 36(2004) from reputable firm/company who have vast experience to run Canteen registered with Sales Tax and Income Tax department. One envelope containing technical information of bid shall be clearly marked “Technical Bid” and the second envelope containing the bid price shall be clearly marked “Financial Proposal”. Envelope of “Technical Proposal” will be opened first and envelop of “Financial Proposal” will be remained with Committee without opening. .
2. Tender documents can be obtained from Admn Wing on submission of a written application on the letter head pad by depositing Rs.1,000/- (Non-refundable) in shape of pay order/bank draft in favour of “Pakistan Sports Board, Islamabad”. Tender can be submitted till 26-02-2019 (Tuesday) by 1030 hours which will be opened on the same day in presence of bidders or their authorized representatives at 1100 hours in Committee Room of PSB.
3. The Director General reserves the right to accept or reject any or all tender in accordance with PPRA Rules.
Muhammad Azam Dar
Director (E&C),
Pakistan Sports Board,
Kashmir Highway, Aabpara,