PSB Barber & Laundry shops in Pakistan Sports Complex, Islamabad
Pakistan Sports Board invites separate sealed tenders from reputable contractors to run PSB Barber & Laundry shops in Pakistan Sports Complex, Islamabad for provision of services to the national sports persons and employees. The shops can be inspected during office hours except holidays. The contract will be awarded for a period of one year.
2. The Contractors having experience and sound background in the relevant fields can obtain the tender documents on submission of a written application on payment of Rs.1000/- (Non-refundable) through bank draft/pay order in favour of Pakistan Sports Board, Islamabad upto 13th January, 2023 before 1100 hours. The tenders will be opened on the same day at 1500 hours in the presence of interested bidders.
3. Pakistan Sports Board reserves the right to accept or reject any or all tenders in accordance with PPRA Rules.
(Muhammad Saeed Akhtar)
(Establishment & Coordination)
Phone: 051-9249035