Pakistan Sports Board, an autonomous body working under the administrative control of Ministry of Inter-Provincial Coordination, Government of Pakistan invites bids/offers for “Supply of Cleaning Materials to PSB Hostels at PSB (HQ) Islamabad, PSB Coaching Centres Lahore, Karachi, Quetta and Peshawar for one year”.
2. Interested firm (s) registered with income tax, sales tax authorities and active on taxpayer lists, may submit their bids/offers along-with required bid money on the basis of single stage two envelope procedures on PPRA e-Procurement EPADS System up-to 1100 hours on 7th October, 2024.
3. Documents containing detailed Tender Terms and Conditions can be downloaded and uploaded from PSB’s Website (www.sports.gov.pk) as well as PPRA’s website (www.ppra.org.pk) till 1100 hours on 07-10-2024 and opened on the same date at 1130 hrs. Bid must be supported with bid security amounting to Rs.200,000/- as shown in the bidding document (Refundable) in the shape of Bank Draft in favor Pakistan Sports Board. The bidder will submit a scanned copy of bid security online on EPADS system and original will submit to PSB before the opening of tender otherwise the bid (s) will be declared as non-responsive.
4. PSB reserves the right to accept / reject any or all offers wholly or partially as per PPRA rules.
(Izhar Ahmed Khan)
Assistant Director (Procurement)
Phone: 051-9249121