Reference is made to the tender issued on 22nd October, 2024 vide PID (I) 2753/24 for the supply of sports equipment, medical equipment, IT equipment, and other miscellaneous items required for the Quaid-e-Azam Inter-Provincial Games 2024.In recognition of the varied nature and specialization of the items listed, and to encourage broader participation, the Pakistan Sports Board (PSB) hereby issues the following amendment:
- Eligibility of Multiple Contractors:
- Bidders are now permitted to submit proposals based on the classification of item categories. Contractors may bid separately for any of the following distinct categories:
- Category A: Sports Equipment
- Category B: Miscellaneous Items
- Category C: Medal, Trophies etc
- Category D: Medical Items
- Bidders may opt to submit bids for one or more categories; however, each category will be evaluated independently based on the technical and financial criteria established for that specific category.
- Amended Submission Requirements:
- Separate technical and financial bids must be submitted for each category a bidder chooses to bid on. Each bid must include all required documentation, certifications, and financial proposals as per the original tender instructions.
- A separate bid security must be provided for each category bid upon, as outlined in the tender terms.
- Total bid security Rs.1,000,000/- (one million) is required if firm / vender applied for the all Categories, but if applied one or more the following ratio must be follow:
Category A = Rs. 500000, Category B = Rs. 200000/-
Category C = Rs. 200000, Category D = Rs. 100000/-
- Evaluation and Award:
- Bids will be evaluated and awarded on a category-by-category basis. PSB reserves the right to award contracts to different contractors across categories as deemed appropriate for optimal project execution and quality assurance.
2. This corrigendum shall be considered an integral part of the original tender document. All other terms and conditions remain unchanged. Prospective bidders are advised to review the revised terms and submit their bids accordingly.
3. The DG, PSB reserves the right to accept/ reject any or all offers wholly or partially as per PPRA Rules.
(Sohail Gill)
Assistant Director (Training)
Phone # 051-9249027